Logotype, Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, featuring logos of Arts Affaires and MMM-Festival, London, UK, October 2012 / September 2016 (Mini Edition) (English)
p.270 Logo for Arts Affaires, Art consultancy, France, designed in 2007
p.275 Logo for MMM-Festival, Music festival, Switzerland. The Festival de Musique des Montagnes du Monde is an eclectic mix of music from the world's mountain regions, and takes place at Anzère, 2,000m (6,500ft) up in the Swiss Alps.
Arts Affaires Logo
MMM Festival Logo
1400 illustrations
336 pages
245 x 190mm
/ 96 x 152mm
ISBN: 9781856698948 / 9781780678573
£22.50 / £12.95
Published September 2012 / September 2016
Laurence King Publishing