25–28 June 1998
ESAG / Pennighen
31 Rue du Dragon,
75006 Paris, France

Final Year Show, ESAG

Final project 98 ESAG/Julian Academy (Paris)

Series of posters for the Theater Moliere (House of Poetry)....
Design of layout, photographies and creation of logotype

Blaise Cendrards
On the world around

"we are the legless cripples of the space, we roll on our four wounds"

Henri Michaux
Life whithin folds

"and as he contemplates her, he conceives a child of the soul"

Daniel Boulanger
"Retouch meditation: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm how nice!"

Agathe Jacquillat
Etat civil
"all around you, all turns around us, you...you are a center in itself, live your life and live me be. Man is himself alone"

André Velter
Reflexion of the source
"apparition between mirror and memory, an error in legend composes the original space, a golden age whithout gold, without age”

Jacques Prévert Paroles
"inventory : one stone, two rooms, three ruins, four gravediggers, one flower garden, one racoon"

Anthonin Arthaud
Le pese-nerfs
"order disorder, unity anarchy, poetry dissonance, rythm discordance, grandeur puerility, generosity cruelty"

Julien Marcland The law of silence
"the law of silence is that we all pass, and in passing we cease to listen”

René Char
The world in archipelago

"Fuses, ignoring my voice, flew over the theatre of an instant"

Benjamin Péret Proverbs
"we must not sew the animals"